miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013

Darling Harbour becomes world’s biggest bathtub

Good news if you live in Sydney!
On Saturday 5th January, a 25 metre high rubber ducky will be arriving at Darling Harbour, like so:
This event coincides with the first day of the Sydney Festival, and it’s free! So if you like ridiculously large, cute objects, get your butt over to Darling Harbour this Saturday at 2pm to join in the festivities!

Rubber Duck‘ is an art installation created by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman. It has travelled around the harbours of the world, from Osaka to Auckland to São Paulo – and now, Sydney!
Hofman specialises in creating larger-than-life artworks designed to make an impact while also invoking humour and joy. As his website states:
“Hofman’s sculptures often originate from everyday objects. A straightforward paper boat, a pictogram of an industrial zone or mass-produced little toy figures can all serve as sources. They are all ready-mades, selected by Hofman for the beauty of their forms. Subsequently he crafts these into clear and iconic images; cartoonish blow-ups of reality that alienate and unsettle through their sheer size and use of materials.”
“An encounter with one of Hofman’s extraordinary sculptures invites us to stand still for a moment and to look; to really look and to take a picture if you like. Hofman: ‘My sculptures cause an uproar, astonishment and put a smile on your face. They give people a break from their daily routines. Passers-by stop in front of them, get off their bicycle and enter into conversation with other spectators. People are making contact with each other again. That is the effect of my sculptures in the public domain.’
Check out the duck in action!
Anyway, what has this got to do with Winning Appliances and Bathrooms, you ask?
Well, we sell bathtubs, and bathtubs are frequently home to (more normal in size) rubber duckies. The inspiration for this article was entirely derived from this fact.
Bathtubs! We have nice ones, you should buy one from our Fortitude Valley store. Bathtubs are handy for removing dirt from your body and for storing your worryingly large rubber duck collection, not that you’re unnaturally obsessed with rubber ducks or anything. …I DON’T HAVE A PROBLEM I’M FINE.

👤 Author: 
Louise is a blogger and copywriter for the Winning Group of companies. A self-confessed 'appliance nerd' Louise has reached the point where she can recite product information without ever needing to consult the manual. She is also an accomplished baker whose specialty is white chocolate cheesecake. Her dream is to own a home that is filled entirely with purple appliances (a dream she is on her way to achieving). She lives in Sydney. Google+

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